Driving Inspiration Archives - Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA) https://automotivestars.com.au/tag/driving-inspiration/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 01:25:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 Driving Inspiration: EP4 https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep4/ https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep4/#respond Thu, 01 Aug 2024 06:24:42 +0000 https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep3-copy/ Could your past be holding you back? Learn how a simple shift in perspective can change everything. Think about it!

The post Driving Inspiration: EP4 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).


Driving Inspiration EP4

A Deep Dive into Overcoming Limitations: Driving Inspiration Podcast

If something is holding you back from moving forward or being your best self, it often stems from your past. It could be a limiting belief, an experience, or something someone else did that’s still affecting you.

The Power of Your Past

I want to share a couple of insights that might help you break free and move forward. First, I learned many years ago that events from our past often didn’t happen the way we remember them. As humans, we create stories about what happened or what was said, and those stories can be inaccurate, leading to limiting beliefs.

For example, when I was a kid, I overheard my parents talking about how smart my sister Anita was. As her little brother, I made that mean I wasn’t smart—I thought I was dumb. Is that true? Of course not, but that belief drove me to study like crazy for years, trying to fill a gap that didn’t exist.

Question the Stories You’ve Created

Often, the stories we create from our past cause unnecessary conflict. We make others wrong based on our interpretations, which may not even be accurate. How often do you hear someone say, “I’m wrong, you’re right”? It’s rare, yet we often blame others instead of taking responsibility for our own actions.

A story from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” comes to mind. There was a guy named Two-Gun Crowley, a notorious criminal who, even after being caught killing people, claimed he wouldn’t harm a fly and was only protecting himself. He didn’t admit he was wrong. So why do we make others wrong when they rarely see themselves that way?

Finding Positives in Negative Experiences

Even if something bad has happened, if you look closely enough, you can find positives that have come out of it. I lost my daughter, Andy Sophia, after just 3.5 days of life. It was a horrific experience, and it still affects me. A social worker taught me that you don’t get over such things; you learn to live through them.

But even in that pain, positives emerged. My son Levi wouldn’t exist if Andy Sophia were here cause I didn’t want anymore children. We moved to a beautiful home, took holidays, and learned to appreciate life more—all because of something so heartbreaking.

Moving Forward

Look at the stories you’ve created and consider taking responsibility for your actions instead of making others wrong. Find the positives in negative situations, and use them to move through your pain rather than letting it hold you back. This way, you can shine and be the best version of yourself.

If this speaks to you, please like and share this video. Let’s spread the message. If we can help in any way, reach out using the details below.

This is the Driving Inspiration Podcast. Bye for now.

If you want to know more about Driving Inspiration, simply reach out to us at support@automotivestars.com.au

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The post Driving Inspiration: EP4 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).

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Driving Inspiration: EP3 https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep3/ https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep3/#respond Mon, 15 Jul 2024 03:27:43 +0000 https://automotivestars.com.au/?p=2690 Looking to gain an edge in performance and consistency? You're going to love this episode of the Driving Inspiration Podcast.

The post Driving Inspiration: EP3 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).


Driving Inspiration EP3

If you want to boost your performance and consistency, you’ll love this episode of the Driving Inspiration Podcast. Today, I’ll share with you a powerful three-part performance model.

The Performance Model

  1. Conscious Mind
  2. Subconscious Mind
  3. Self-Image

When these three elements are balanced, as shown in the diagram with equal-sized circles, they work together to create flow. This flow makes your actions seem effortless, whether at work, in sports, or with family.

Achieving Flow

Flow occurs when you’re fully present and everything feels effortless. From my experience playing snooker, when my conscious mind, subconscious mind, and self-image are in sync, my performance is at its peak. The same applies to salespeople; when they connect deeply with customers, understanding their needs and presenting seamlessly, their success is consistent and effortless.

The Challenge of Imbalance

The challenge arises when these three circles are out of sync. For example:

  • Inflated Conscious Mind: Overthinking, analysis paralysis, and indecision. This disrupts flow and reduces performance.
  • Inflated Self-Image: Feeling entitled without the necessary skills, leading to poor performance and lack of substance.

Achieving Synergy

The key is to harmonise these three elements. If you need help getting there, whether individually or as a team, we can assist. The results are transformative.

I’m Adrian Law, and this is the Driving Inspiration Podcast. Have a great day and an awesome week.

If you want to know more about Driving Inspiration, simply reach out to us at support@automotivestars.com.au

Check out our other blog posts here.

Check out Next Level Selling blog posts here.

The post Driving Inspiration: EP3 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).

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Driving Inspiration: EP2 https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep2/ https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep2/#respond Mon, 15 Jul 2024 03:27:25 +0000 https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep1-copy/ Did you know that each fruit and vegetable has its own unique signature? I’ll dive into that shortly, but first, let’s talk about wellness!

The post Driving Inspiration: EP2 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).


Driving Inspiration EP2

Did you know that each fruit and vegetable has its own unique signature? It’s true—each one is particularly good for specific parts of the human body. I’ll dive into that shortly, but first, let’s talk about wellness, energy, and health. Because without your health, you’ve got nothing.

Health Statistics

First, let’s look at some stats. The U.S. has the highest obesity rate in the world, followed by Australia and the UK. It’s ridiculous, given the food we have available and our health systems.

Key Factors: Education and Habits

There are two simple things that mainly determine whether most people are healthy or not: education and habits. By education, I don’t mean formal schooling, but knowing what’s in our food. And habits—those daily routines that shape our health.

Personal Story: The Mocha Surprise

Let me share a personal story. I’ve never liked coffee much, but I started drinking mochas. One day, my daughter found out that the mocha I was drinking had 54 grams of sugar. That’s over 13 teaspoons of sugar in one cup! I was shocked.

The Power of Education

Education is crucial here. Some people don’t care and drink soda with over 10 teaspoons of sugar. But think about what happens when you give a child a sugary treat—they go berserk, right? Adults don’t show it as obviously, but we still get those sugar highs and lows.

I highly recommend watching ‘That Sugar Film’ by Damon Gameau. It shows the effects of sugar on the body and mind. Damon ate the average amount of sugar Australians consume, and it changed his body and mind drastically.

Reading Labels and Hidden Sugars

Understanding what’s in your food is essential. Many so-called “healthy” foods are packed with sugar. Low-fat options, for instance, often contain more sugar. Always read labels carefully, even though they can be misleading.

Building Healthy Habits

Now, let’s talk about habits. I’m on day 11 of a 15-day detox. I do this once or twice a year to take my health to the next level. I feel amazing, and it gives me an edge in both sports and business. Damon Gameau mentioned that when he ate the average amount of sugar, he felt foggy and tired. He said most people feel this way daily and think it’s normal, but it’s not. We’re designed to eat well and feel great.

Starting Small

Building good habits can change your life. Start small if you struggle with giving up coffee, soda, or fast food. It’s not about giving things up but replacing them with healthier options. For example, I craved coffee initially, but after a few days without it, I didn’t miss it at all.

The Signatures of Fruits and Vegetables

From ancient times, people believed that the appearance of a fruit or vegetable indicated its benefits. For instance, a sliced carrot looks like an eye and is good for your eyesight. Red grapes resemble red blood cells, kidney beans are good for kidneys, and tomatoes are heart-healthy. One of my favorites is the avocado, which looks like a pregnant woman when cut in half and is excellent for pregnant women. It even takes nine months to grow!

Remember, I’m not saying you can’t have any junk food or drinks. Start with some education and small habit changes, and build from there.

That’s it for today’s episode of ‘Driving Inspiration.’

If you want to know more about Driving Inspiration, simply reach out to us at support@automotivestars.com.au

Check out our other blog posts here.

Check out Next Level Selling blog posts here.

The post Driving Inspiration: EP2 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).

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Driving Inspiration: EP1 https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep1/ https://automotivestars.com.au/driving-inspiration-ep1/#respond Tue, 04 Jun 2024 23:38:39 +0000 https://automotivestars.com.au/test-drive-copy/ If you want more joy in your life, have more energy, and ultimately to achieve a higher level of performance you’re in the right place.

The post Driving Inspiration: EP1 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).


Driving Inspiration EP1

Welcome to Driving Inspiration!

If you want more joy in your life, to be more effective, to have more energy, and ultimately to achieve an even higher level of performance, then you’re in the right place.

For the past 25 years, I’ve been immersed in the field of human behavior psychology, training, and coaching. I’m excited to share with you a wealth of tips, strategies, and insights in bite-sized chunks.

What to Expect

This is my way of giving back, especially after seeing how COVID-19 has impacted so many people. We’ll cover topics like overcoming limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and past limitations.

We’ll dive into clearing mental barriers and getting clear on what you want. I’ll talk about setting meaningful goals and, most importantly, I’ll share practical strategies that work—not just theory—to give you the best chance of achieving those goals.

Personal and Professional Growth

We’ll explore the difference between EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and IQ (Intelligence Quotient) in the workplace. These insights will enhance your personal skills and improve your communication skills if you manage a team, making you a more effective influencer.

Inspiration vs. Motivation

This isn’t just about being the best version of yourself. It’s about tapping into your inner drive. Unlike motivation, which is often external and temporary, inspiration is internal and lasting. I’ll share stories from my clients, my sporting background, and people I’ve studied. When these stories resonate with you, they’ll light you up and keep you inspired.

Using Your Max Time

What’s Max Time? It’s the time you’re already spending—waiting for a practitioner, standing in a queue, at the gym, on a flight, or driving. You can listen to or watch these sessions during these moments, making the most of your time.

Success is a Feeling

I believe all success is based on a feeling. You could be rich financially but feel lonely, or just getting by but surrounded by love and good health, feeling great. My job as your coach is to help you feel better most of the time. If this interests you, please like this video and click below.

Join the Movement

I want this message to go global, and I need your help. Like, share, and comment on what you enjoy and what you’d like to hear more about. The knowledge about the human brain and body is vast, and I’m here to share it with you.

Let’s Make a Difference

Think beyond yourself, your town, your city, your state, and even your country. Let’s make a global impact by spreading positive, inspiring content. Driving Inspiration is where it’s at.

I’m Adrian Law. I look forward to seeing you in the next episode!

If you want to know more about Driving Inspiration, simply reach out to us at support@automotivestars.com.au

Check out our other blog posts here.

Check out Next Level Selling blog posts here.

The post Driving Inspiration: EP1 appeared first on Car Sales Training - Automotive Sales Techniques | The Automotive Stars Academy (ASA).

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