Driving Inspiration EP3

If you want to boost your performance and consistency, you’ll love this episode of the Driving Inspiration Podcast. Today, I’ll share with you a powerful three-part performance model.

The Performance Model

  1. Conscious Mind
  2. Subconscious Mind
  3. Self-Image

When these three elements are balanced, as shown in the diagram with equal-sized circles, they work together to create flow. This flow makes your actions seem effortless, whether at work, in sports, or with family.

Achieving Flow

Flow occurs when you’re fully present and everything feels effortless. From my experience playing snooker, when my conscious mind, subconscious mind, and self-image are in sync, my performance is at its peak. The same applies to salespeople; when they connect deeply with customers, understanding their needs and presenting seamlessly, their success is consistent and effortless.

The Challenge of Imbalance

The challenge arises when these three circles are out of sync. For example:

  • Inflated Conscious Mind: Overthinking, analysis paralysis, and indecision. This disrupts flow and reduces performance.
  • Inflated Self-Image: Feeling entitled without the necessary skills, leading to poor performance and lack of substance.

Achieving Synergy

The key is to harmonise these three elements. If you need help getting there, whether individually or as a team, we can assist. The results are transformative.

I’m Adrian Law, and this is the Driving Inspiration Podcast. Have a great day and an awesome week.

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