Increase Your Sales Income by 10 Times Your Original Investment or Receive ALL of Your Money Back!
We are that confident in the power of our sales training materials inside the members area, that if you don’t increase your sales by 10 times what you invest, it costs you nothing!
* This money back guarantee can be claimed provided your sales managers and sales staff can demonstrate *full participation* in the online training and its practical implementation in your business for a 12 month period.
Income means gross income before income tax so the threshold is that this income must be 10 times what you have spent on the course during the relevant 12 month period. Investment means the total amount you have paid us for the training course.
Full participation means that:
- You must use the online training platform for a consecutive 12-month period.
- All fees payable to Automotive Stars are up to date.
- Every sales person, sales manager, service advisor, business manager and car care consultant that is currently registered in the Automotive Stars Academy from your business: either watches videos or listens to podcasts; and answers the questions in the relevant quizzes in at least 5 modules per month, every month for the 12 month agreement.
- You must ensure that every sales person and sales manager that is currently registered in the Automotive Stars Academy in their business attends at least 80% of the ‘Live’ online workshops within 12 months of the sign up date.
- Substitution of sales, management, service and car care consultant personnel is permitted in the event they leave your employment.
- You can provide reasonable evidence that your sales people and sales managers have implemented the techniques set out in the Automotive Stars Academy in your business and in the event of a claim against the guarantee.
- In the event of a claim being made against the guarantee, Automotive Stars will test the comprehension levels of each individual participant from within your business.
- You must give Automotive Stars reasonable access to your Profit and Loss Statement, BAS returns and other information necessary to verify gross income before income tax. Automotive Stars agrees to use the information only to verify gross income before income tax and will not disclose this information to any third party apart from its accounting and legal advisers for the purpose of obtaining advice.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this guarantee you may contact us at
Automotive Stars
Suite 3 G,
135 Macquarie Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000